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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Laser Skin Resurfacing, An Effective Way to Reduce Wrinkles and More!

Laser skin resurfacing can effectively treat wrinkles and other minor facial flaws. It does however have it's limitations.

Skin Rejuvination by Laser

Although there are other ways to rejuvinate your skin, Laser skin resurfacing or ablative skin resurfacing is becoming the preferred choice for many. Simply put, laser resurfacing removes damaged or aged skin so it can be replaced with younger looking new skin.

Before you get too excited, you need to know that laser skin resurfacing does have it's limitations. Having realistic expectations and knowing the facts about skin resurfacing is important before you make any investment of time and money. As with any laser procedure, there are risks and benefits that need to be considered.

Are You a Good Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

You might be a good candidate if you are looking to treat one or more of the following:

  1. Wrinkles
  2. Sun-damaged skin
  3. Acne Scars
  4. Chickenpox scars
  5. Uneven skin color
  6. Liver spots or age spots

How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

After identifying the specific area you want to treat, the specialized laser is directed at the skin. This intense beam of light destroys the outer layer of skin which is known as the epidermis. Simultaneously, the underlying skin or dermis is heated to stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers. When healing is complete, the new skin that forms is smoother and tighter than the old or damaged skin.

One of the key benefits of using a laser to resurface the skin is that it allows physicians to control how deeply the treatment penetrates and is precise enough to treat tough areas like those around your eyes and lips. These areas can be challenging to treat using other methods.

Three Simple Steps To Laser Skin Resurfacing:

  1. Area to be treated is numbed using a local anesthesia.
  2. A Sedative may be administered to help you relax.
  3. The Procedure is performed by the physician.
Note: If you are undergoing an extensive resurfacing, your doctor may administer a general anesthesia and you will not be awake during the procedure.

What To Expect Afterwards:

Because the process of laser skin resurfacing destroys a layer of skin, your skin will be red or pink following the procedure. Many report some swelling and discomfort as well as itching. Your doctor will apply an antibiotic ointment and bandage to the treated area. You can expect to wear this for at least a few days while the healing process takes place. During this time you will want to remain at home and limit your activity.

It is important to note that your skin may be very sensitive to sunlight for up to a year following a treatment so you should wear sunscreen and limit your sun exposure to the treated area.

What Are The Typical Results?

It generally takes a few weeks to totally heal from a laser skin resurfacing treatment and even then there may be a bit of redness on the treated area. This will fade with time and you can easily cover this up with make up. While you will notice an immediate improvement in your skin, improvements will continue for up to a year following your skin rejuvination. Even though this laser skin treatment can make you look years younger, as you continue to age, so will your skin. Follow up treatments may be necessary every few years.

What are the possible complications?

As with any medical procedure, there are always risks of complications or side effects. Hyper or hypopigmentation may occure whis is a darkening or lightening of the skin from it's normal tone. Generally speaking, those with darker skin are at greater risk of this side effect but it has occured with other skin tones as well. Some people experience increased acne, mild infections, and prolonged inflamation. There have also been incidences of herpes or shingles flare ups for those with the virus. Scarring although rare can also occur.

The good news is that with today's newer, more specialized lasers, these risks are becoming far less prevalent. There are even lasers today that stimulate the production of new collagen without wounding the skin. These nonablative lasers while producing significant results, allow for less discomfort and quicker recovery times. The only downside is that instead of one treatment, these laser require multiple treatments.

Bottom Line Expectations For Laser Skin Resurfacing:

Laser resurfacing can fix minor facial flaws and is effective at reducing fine to moderate wrinkles. It can improve your complexion and give your skin a more youthful look and feel. What it can't do is remove deep wrinkles or tighten sagging skin. It should also be noted that the effects are not permanent and you will continue to age no matter what. Be sure to do your research, find a great doctor that has the latest laser technology, and have realistic expectations.

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